We at the Pittsburgh Chapter of United Spinal Association seek to improve the quality of life of individuals with spinal cord injuries by providing peer support, community education, and connections to resources, and by advocating for disability rights.
Overnight Programming
Our primary areas of focus are on member engagement through monthly meet-ups and events around the city; peer support for newly injured individuals in inpatient as well as for those in the community; and advocacy efforts in Pittsburgh and across the country. Through our monthly events and peer support program, we strive to create a space for individuals with SCI to access community, support, and the resources necessary to navigate life well after a spinal cord injury.
All are welcome to participate in our monthly events as well as our peer support and advocacy efforts, including those with SCI and their friends, family, and caregivers.
Club Programming
Membership/outreach —Offer monthly meetups around Pittsburgh, ranging from meeting at a restaurant to partnering with local organizations to showcase their resources. These events provide an opportunity to meet individuals within the SCI community and explore new activities and accessible locations within the city.
Peer Support—We have developed a peer support network to connect individuals with new SCI to a mentor with a similar injury level or interests to assist with navigating life after SCI. Additionally, we provide bi-monthly online educational sessions on various topics.
Advocacy—We are committed to advocating for individuals with SCI on the national, state, and local levels.
Geographic areas served: Western Pennsylvania
membership@unitedspinalpgh.org for general information, questions, or to get involved with the outreach committee.
peer.support@unitedspinalpgh.org to be matched with a mentor, become a mentor, or get involved with peer support opportunities.
advocacy@unitedspinalpgh.org for information on our advocacy effort or to get involved with advocacy in the Pittsburgh region.